Saturday, January 7, 2012


8 January 2012

The cook in me finally decided that I should make my own dashi (Japanese soup stock).  It's so easy and tasty that I pass on the process in case you are tired of chicken stock and want to strike out on your own.  For a start only two ingredients are needed: kombu (dry kelp) and katsuo-bushi (dried bonito).  The bags of bonito flakes look like they are filled with some sort of fluff.  The flakes for soup are the big sort, about like a bag of soft wood shavings.  So wipe off the kelp and simmer an 8 inch piece in a pot of water (maybe 1 or 2 quarts) just until the water boils.  Take out the kelp and add the bonita (about 1 1/2oz) and boil for a while until the bonita sinks.  Then strain through a paper towel and voila!  When you add veggies, tofu, fish cake, whatever else, and a little light soy it is truly a delicious winter meal. 
Some root veggies here seem exotic to us like burdock, lotus root, nagaimo (mountain potato - soft and a bit slimy).  Regular potato and turnip will suffice.

Bon appetit

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